CHALK-CHARCOAL-CLAY: their symbolism in Masonry


Chalk Charcoal Clay

Freedom Fervency Zeal

These symbols appear in the last section of the EA proficiency and only there to which I have heard much discussion as to their relevance and any importance.

Our manner of service “Willingly, Actively & Enthusiastically” seemed to be tied to three chemical compounds. But how explained?

Freely and Readily

“Chalk”* as a symbol of “Willingness” may be easier to understand when you think of the small amount of effort it takes to make a mark, it willingly leaves a trace., without hesitation, and with no expectation of anything in return. It’s “whiteness also symbolizes purity. It is “selfless” requires little effort!

Fervency and Intense

“Charcoal”** is wood or some other organic material that has been heated in the absence of air to the point where there is nothing left but nearly pure carbon. According to Wikipedia – “Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heat wood in minimal oxygen to remove all water and volatile constituents.” Because it is void of water and other impurities, allows it, once ignited, to attain a much higher temperature. This process of purification makes it clean burning, efficient, and reliable. It becomes intense, focused in purpose, and unconditional.

Zeal and Great Energy Enthusiasm

Clay*** is of the earth and its uses diverse, like Masons! It is constant and reliable. Clay finds it purpose when in the hands of the potter, and so we find our purpose when we place ourselves in the Hands Of God and mold ourselves by following His Words.

Adopted from a Nathan Neff 2020 article

Thomas G. Merchant, PM

* Chalk - calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is technically an inorganic compound, but is formed organically by decay of phytoplankton in the waters. 

** Charcoal is an organic substance, being primarily carbon produced by burning organic matter, primarily cellulose.

*** Clay is an inorganic substance containing primarily aluminum, silicate compounds and water.